
Naked Woman With Hammer Arrested - Satin Delfrano, Des Moines

As Satin! Smooth, clean . . . and apparently naked with a hammer! This, apparently after she and a gal pal had a little bit of a falling out. The domestic squabble between the ladies turned ugly (literally) and the cops were called. Here's more from the Des Moines Register::

Police Sunday night arrested a Des Moines woman armed with a hammer, who was naked, following a domestic dispute where several individuals, including an officer, were assaulted.
According to a Des Moines police report, officers were called to 817 Buchanan Street on a domestic dispute with a hammer. They arrived and met with Sheree Sanford, 51, who said Satin Delfrano, 32, had been assaulting her and two other women.
Police found a blue van in the driveway with it's windows shattered and glass strewn on the driveway. Sanford said Delfrano was upstairs and had just smashed out the van's two large rear windows with a bed frame.
Officers went upstairs into a bedroom and found Delfrano naked with a hammer.
After being allowed to get dressed, police handcuffed her and escorted her outside where she tried to walk away on her knees and then kicked an officer in his right leg causing injury.
Another woman at the residence, Joyce Beaman, 46, said Delfrano had stayed the night and began drinking that morning, becoming severely intoxicated. Lisa Miller, 39, who was also present at the time, said Delfrano later became enraged for unknown reasons and began hitting her.
Miller said Delfrano scratched and gouged her eyes; police took photos of abrasions under her eyes.
Another woman then arrived who is in an intimate relationship with Delfrano. Delfrano grabbed her hair and began slamming her head against a wall before tearing her clothes off, grabbing a hammer and walking up and down the street.
Delfrano then pulled out the phone cord as Sanford was making a 911 call. A dispatcher called back and made contact with Sanford.

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