
Lesbian soldier texted topless photos of herself to male friends

A lesbian soldier who is suing the Ministry of Defence for sexual discrimination texted topless photos of herself to male friends, a tribunal heard. .

Lance Bombardier Kerry Fletcher, 31, took a picture of herself after a gym workout and sent it to a male friend to show him how fit she looked. She also showed a male sergeant topless shots of her on holiday.

Miss Fletcher, who served with distinction in Bosnia, claims she was sexually harassed by a male colleague, who cannot be named for legal reasons, while she was working in the stables at 40 Regiment Royal Artillery in Topcliffe, North Yorkshire.

Kerry Fletcher texted pictures of herself wearing only bikini bottoms, it was claimed

During her tribunal in Leeds, the Equal Opportunities Inquiry Team issued a statement based on an earlier hearing which said it had learned, 'that soldiers in the unit had received photo messages on their mobile telephones from Fletcher and in the photos she was exposing her breasts.

'Fletcher stated that she had sent the photo of her to a male friend, at his request, of her in the gymnasium after a workout. The photo depicted her toned muscles, but also included her breasts.'

But the statement added that she had more racy photos on the phone, which were seen by Staff Sergeant Michael Chalk. 'Staff Sergeant Chalk explained that she has shown him photos of herself,' it said.

'He stated that some of the photos were ones of her on holiday wearing a bikini, but some were photos of her exposing her breasts.'

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